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The Guides for the Citizen 
of the National Council of Notaries

Here is a series of precious Useful Guides developed by the National Council of Notaries in collaboration with the main Consumer Associations: Adiconsum, Adoc, Altroconsumo, Assoutenti, Casa del Consumatore, Cittadinanzattiva, Confconsumatori, Federconsumatori, Lega Consumatori, Movimento Consumatori, Citizen Defense Movement, National Consumers Union.

Language: only italian

Preliminary Warranty

Security in the contract
of real estate sales

Purchase of Properties under Construction

Protection in buying and selling
of a property to be built

Mortgage informed

Updated edition
to the rules introduced by Law 40/2007 and the 2008 Budget

Living in a Condominium

Information guide
for those purchasing a property

Certified Purchase

Usability, safety and efficiency
energy of properties

Residential Real Estate Leasing

Important information

Rent to Buy

and other ways to buy a house

Price Value

The advantages of transparency
in real estate sales

Purchase at Auction

An alternative way
and confident in buying a house

Conscious donations

To dispose of your assets

Protected Successions

The rules for a safe
transfer of assets

The Third Age

Capital instruments, opportunities and protections

“After us”
Support administrator

The tools to support social fragility


Rules and protections
of life together

The marriage

Rights and duties in the family

Family Pacts

To ensure generational passage
and business continuity

Parents and children

The law beyond affections

Notary, Legal Security 
Economical progress

Society, market and rules

Tel. 06 908 8591

Viale Umberto l° n. 100, Formello
Corso Trieste n. 155, Roma

©2020 Studio Notarile Stefano Lombardo
P. IVA 01125150860
Codice destinatario MJ1OYNU
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